jueves, 6 de marzo de 2014

Ventas de juegos en Japón del 24 de febrero al 2 de marzo

1- Harvest Moon: Linking The New World (3DS): 130.782 (total acumulado: 130.782)
2- Knack (PS4): 66.772 (376.076)
3- Fossil Fighters: Infinite Gear (3DS): 58.329 (58.329)
4- Yakuza Ishin (PS3): 54.148 (192.305)
5- Dragon Quest Monsters 2: Iru to Ruka no Fushigi na Fushigi na Kagi (3DS): 53.276 (687.709)
6- Yo-kai Watch (3DS): 37.493 (496.455)
7- Kagero: Darkside Princess (PS3): 23.254 (23.254)
8- Yakuza Ishin (PS4): 22.466 (105.006)
9- Kagero: Darkside Princess (PSV): 19.322 (19.322)
10- Kirby Triple Deluxe (3DS): 17.706 (475.502)
11- Infinite Stratos 2: Ignition Hearts (PSV): 15.213 (15.213)
12- Puzzle & Dragons Z (3DS): 14.479 (1.388.812)
13- Battlefield 4 (PS4): 13.117 (37.916)
15- Valhalla Knights 3: Gold (PSV): 11.186 (11.186)
16- Kuroko's Basketball: Miracle Victory (3DS): 10.378 (56.059)
17- Donkey Kon Country: Tropical Freeze (Wii U): 10.056 (60.103)
18- Killzone: Shadow Fall (PS4): 8.501 (40.837)
19- Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition (PS4): 8.430 (20.524)
20- Infinite Stratos 2: Ignition Hearts (PS3): 8.246 (8.246)

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